Appearance White amorphous powder, lyophilized
Activity GradeⅡ 6.0U/mg-solid or more
      (containing approx. 50% of stabilizers)
Contaminants NADH oxidase≤5.0×10-2%
Catalase ≤2.0%
Stabilizers Sugars, EDTA


StabilityStable at −20℃ for at least one year(Fig.1,2)
Molecular weightapprox. 100,000
Isoelectric point4.6±0.1
Michaelis constant1.9×10-2M (Creatine)
Structure2 subunits per enzyme molecule
Inhibitors Cu++,Hg++,Ag
Optimum pH8.0(Fig.4)
Optimum temperature40℃(Fig.5)
pH StabilitypH 5.5−9.0 (25℃, 16hr)(Fig.6)
Thermal stabilitybelow 50℃ (pH 7.5, 30min)(Fig.7)
Effect of various chemicals(Table 1)


This enzyme is useful for enzymatic determination of creatine and creatinine when coupled with creatinine amidohydrolase (CNH-211, CNH-311) and sarcosine oxidase (SAO-351) in clinical analysis.4)




The appearance of yellow dye formed by condensation of urea and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DAB) (Ehrlich reaction) is measured at 435nm by spectrophotometry.

Unit definition

One unit causes the formation of one micromole of yellow dye per minute under the conditions described below.



A. Creatine solution 0.1M [1.49g creatine (Nacalai tesque)/100ml of 50mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.5](Should be prepared fresh).
B. DAB solution Dissolve 2.0g of DAB in 100ml of dimethylsulfoxide and, to this solution, add 15ml of conc. HCl solution.
C. Enzyme diluent 50mM Phosphate buffer, pH 7.5


1.Pipette 1.0ml of the substrate solution (A) into a test tube and equilibrate at 37℃ for about 5 minutes.

Concentration in assay mixture
Phosphate buffer 50 mM
Creatine 90 mM

2.Add 0.1ml of the enzyme solution* and mix.

3.After exactly 10 minutes at 37℃, add 2.0ml of DAB solution (B) to stop the reaction.

4.Incubate at 25℃ for 20 minutes.

5.Measure the optical density at 435nm against water (OD test).
At the same time, prepare the blank by first mixing the substrate solution with 2.0ml of DAB solution after a 10 min-incubation at 37℃, followed by the addition of the enzyme solution, and carry out the same procedure as test (procedure 4 and 5)(OD blank).

*Dissolve the enzyme preparation in ice-cold enzyme diluent (C) and dilute to 2.0-3.0U/ml with the same buffer, immediately before assay.


Activity can be calculated by using the following formula :

  • Volume activity (U/ml) =

  • ΔOD (OD test−OD blank)×Vt×df


= ΔOD×9.65×df

Weight activity (U/mg) = (U/ml)×1/C

Vt : Total volume (3.1ml)
Vs : Sample volume (0.1ml)
0.321 : Millimolar extinction coefficient of yellow dye(cm2/micromole)
1.0 : Light path length (cm)
t : Reaction time (10 minutes)
df : Dilution factor
C : Enzyme concentration in dissolution (c mg/ml)


1)D.Tsuru; Nucleic Acid and Amino Acids, 35, 31 (1977).

2)T.Yoshimoto, I.Oka and D.Tsuru; Arch.Biochem.Biophys., 177, 508 (1976).

3)T.Yoshimoto ,I.Oka and D.Tsuru; J.Biochem., 79, 1381 (1976).

4)D.Tsuru; Rinsho Kensa, 22, 1331 (1978).

Table 1. Effect of Various Chemicals on Creatine amidinohydrolase

[The enzyme dissolved in 50mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.5 (80U/ml) was incubated at 25℃ for 30 minutes with each chemical.]

  • Chemical Concn.(mM) Residual activity(%)
    None 100
    Metal salt 1.0
    CaCl2 107
    MnCl2 109
    MgCl2 103
    NiCl2 107
    CoCl2 108
    Ba(OAc)2 104
    Cd(OAc)2 88
    FeCl3 103
    FeSO4 102
    HgCl2 2.7
    ZnSO4 97
    CuSO4 11
    Pb(OAc)2 108
    AgNO3 2.5
    EDTA 20 99
    α,α′-Dipyridyl 1.0 100
  • Chemical Concn.(mM) Residual activity(%)
    NaF 1.0 105
    PCMB 0.33 3.3
    MIA 1.0 106
    IAA 1.0 103
    NaN3 10 106
    o-Phenanthroline 1.0 108
    Hydroxylamine 1.0 105
    NEM 10 0.3
    Triton X-100 0.5% 94
    Brij 35 0.5% 103
    Tween 20 0.5% 100
    Span 20 0.5% 106
    Na-cholate 0.5% 103
    SDS 0.25% 102
    DAC 0.5% 1.7
Ac, CH3CO; EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetate; PCMB, p-Chloromercuribenzoate; MIA, Monoiodoacetate;
IAA, lodoacetamide; NEM, N-Ethylmaleimide; SDS, Sodium dodecyl sulfate; DAC, Dimethylbenzylalkylammonium chloride.
  • Fig.1. Stability (Powder form)

    Fig.1. Stability (Powder form)

    (kept under dry conditions)

  • Fig.2. Stability (Powder form)

    Fig.2. Stability (Powder form)

    (kept under dry conditions)

  • Fig.3. Stability (Liquid form)

    Fig.3. Stability (Liquid form)

    (in 50 mM K-phosphate buffer,pH7.5)

  • Fig.4. pH-Activity

    Fig.4. pH-Activity

    37℃ ,10min-reaction in 50mM K-phoshate buffer

  • Fig.5.Temperature activity

    Fig.5.Temperature activity

    10min-reaction in 50mM K-phosphate buffer, pH7.5

  • Fig.6.pH-Stability


    25℃ 16hr-treatment with 50mM buffer solution: pH4.0-5.5,Acetate pH6.0-9.0, K-phosphate

  • Fig.7. Thermal stability

    Fig.7. Thermal stability

    30min-treament with 50mM K-phosphate buffer, pH7.5


1. 原理






  • 0.1Mクレアチン溶液〔1.49gのクレアチン(ナカライテスク製)を50mMリン酸緩衝液 pH7.5に溶解し,100mlとする〕(用時調製)
  • DAB溶液(2.0gのp-ジメチルアミノベンズアルデヒドを100mlのジメチルスルホキシドに溶解させた後,濃塩酸15mlを加える)






4.25℃で20分間放置後,435nmにおける吸光度を測定する (ODtest)。



  • U/ml =

  • ΔOD(OD test−OD blank)×3.1(ml)×希釈倍率


= ΔOD×9.65×希釈倍率
U/mg =U/ml×1/C
0.321 : 黄色色素のミリモル分子吸光係数(cm2/micromole)
1.0 : 光路長(cm)
C : 溶解時の酵素濃度(c mg/ml)